Pulp Fiction is a film distributed by Miramax films and was written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. It was released in Cannes in May 1994 and America on October 14th.
It earned $212.9 million in the box office and had a budget of $8.4 million which is minor compared to Kill Bill Vol 1 and 2 combined budget of $55 million.
Pulp Fiction has a soundtrack which gets the film well known with music lovers and is extra promotion and profit.
It was named Best Picture by the National Soiciety Of Film Critics. Also Tarantino and Avary were announced as joint winners of the Oscar and BAFTA For Best Original Screen Play.
Pulp Fictuion was named one of the most influential films in 1995 and it was voted as the fourth greatest film of all time in Channel 4s nationwide poll for Britain in 2001, showing that this film is very well known and has a good reputation as it is still being talked about today, 17 years after its release.
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