Monday, 6 February 2012

Representation of class and status in TV dramas - shameless

Shameless is a very successful british Tv drama written by award winner Paul Abbotts. It feautures the dysfunction family 'the gallaghers' and where they live called the chatsworth estate. The show is mainly about taboo language, sex, drugs and violence etc. In the clip I have watched of Shameless season 6 episode 9 there are many camera angles and good use of editing which help to present the class and status of the characters.
Jump cuts are used a lot in Shameless. This represents how the peoples lives do not run smoothly, instead they are rough and busy and hectic hense the jump cuts. At 2:40 in this clip there is a jump cut of a man in the pub which shows that the scene is dominated by him and that he is of importance.
Also in this clip it shows a pan of a man in a suit in the pub. His clothes show that he is of high status as he is well dressed in a suit whilst everyone around him is wearing a tracksuit or cheap clothing. This pan also shows that this man is of high status because the pan follows him through the pub showing that he is the important dominant person in the scene.
At the beginning of the clip there is a low angle shot of a man on the toilet. Although this image does not show this man as high class, the distorted image that makes this man looks a lot bigger than he actually is shows him of a higher status than the rest of his family.
 Finally at the beginning of this clip it shows a dysfunctional family having a conversation at 0:30 where there are a lot of jump cuts used to show how this family are middle class as they are seen as quite argumentative and rowdy.

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