Friday, 30 September 2011

Our Prelim

In class yesterday we did our prelims, though it took us a lot of takes to master filming it was great fun and we got to do a lot of camera angles on the flip cam. I can't wait to get our flip cams this week and now I can't wait to make our film openings!!!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Match On Action

Match on action means that when something happens in a scene then when there is a cut the same piece of action must be going on. This is an example of continuity editing and is very important in helping the audience continually understand exactly what is happening.

ECS AS and A2 Media Studies Course Booklet

ECS as and A2 Media Studies Course Booklet

This is my media studies course booklet which I will be using a lot throught this year to help me with my media studies

Monday, 19 September 2011

In our last lesson we looked at some film openings from previous AS media students. We looked at hurtwood houses film openings and this one was my favourite.
They used good camera angles and I liked the shots of the man typing on the keyboard.
There were a few errors which I now know not to do in my groups film opening, but overall I liked the look of this film was my favourite

Blogging from my phone

Just seeing if I can blog from my phone

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Hello everyone... first post for AS media!!